Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More Acceptance for Biracial People?

Twenty years ago when I first married my husband I felt like the only interracial couple in Virginia. Although that really was not the case, you could look around and see that we were not the majority in our community. Our two children were born within the first five years of our marriage. I often wondered how they would be treated and would being multiracial cause problems for them. My biggest concern was that my children would not be accepted by anyone!

Fast forward to 2009 and I see many interracial couples. It almost seems like there is at least one interracial couple on every street. Interracial couples have quadrupled since a census took place in 1970. Research also shows that multiracial people make up for five percent of the population and has become the fastest growing demographic group in the United States. Some even suggest that multiracial people one day will be the majority!

Certainly with more people becoming socially accepting of race mixing there will be more and more multiracial people. There are also major multiracial icons for people to admire like Tiger Woods and President Obama. Having a biracial President alone should make the American public more accepting of biracial people.

I am sure its just a matter of time before multiracial people are accepted for who they are and not what they look like. One day they will not have to choose between their heritages because everyone will accept them as an individual and not where their ancestors came from! I truely believe biracial people are gaining more acceptance from others each day! Its just a matter of time for people to start seeing gray, instead of making everything a black or white issue!



  1. biracial children do not look caucasian, they look black or mexcian or asian, that is why white grandparents get stares. even with lighter skin the kids have non caucasian facial features.

  2. Even ethnic dolls appear to have caucasian features as do many sketchings & paintings of female American Indians.
